Occasional blogger,amateur photographer,head in the Cloud.
Your phone is now an Internet-connected gameshow buzzer
A data-friendly train times site
BrowseBlogSourceLightning talk
Anagram solver akin to the word game in Channel 4's Countdown
Searchable 7 day Freeview EPG
Rate these Catchphrase puzzles from the Roy Walker era
Which London borough are you in? Select a point on the map or use your device location.
For all of your niche YouTube to Feedly needs
Made for a BBC hack day. Put in your favourite bands and it will give you a BBC Sounds show that played most of the bands you specified. What will you discover?
A random xkcd comic, fit to your browser window
Connect a game controller and read your scripts to camera like a pro!
A Windows desktop application to help you find your photos
A Raspberry Pi powered Christmas tree that tweets the status of the London Underground
BrowseBlogSourceAPI data from 2019
Confused about whether it's England, Great Britain or the United Kingdom? Let this interactive map help
Express middleware to redirect to other URLs
Libraries.io entrySourceNPM
A (deprecated) JavaScript library to put a smile in your life
A JSOxford hack using socket.io that broadcasts colours to everyone connected
Site unavailableBlogSource
A variant of Conway's Game of Life which tends to decend into chaos[*], written in Processing. Click to restart
A light-following robot created during JSOxford's robot day